Femtech Fes!「fermata1周年記念セッション 〜フェムテックの歩みと現在地〜」

10月は「fermata 1周年記念」として、豪華ゲストをお招きした2部構成でFemtech Fes! お届けしました!

第1部では、妊活デバイス「Kegg」をつくる Kristina Cahojova をゲストに迎え、妊活における現在の選択肢、進化し続けるテクノロジーについて取り上げました。


Session 1
Modern Approaches to Fertility: Examining existing options, emerging technologies, and barriers to business in the US, Japan, and Australia

Kristina Cahojova | CEO, Kegg
Kristina Cahojova is a Founder and a women’s health crusader. She holds an economics master degree and a Master of International Management from CEMS. Following her passion for science and reproductive health, she founded kegg, a Femtech company developing solutions that puts women in control of their fertility. Kristina is an alumnus of HAX, the world's largest seed hardware accelerator, which helps entrepreneurs to build successful hardware companies. Formerly at Amazon and eBay, Cahojova brings her understanding of digital sales strategy to now lead kegg — a women’s health technology that will reinvent the way women take charge of their fertility in 2020.
HP: https://kegg.tech/

Dr. Michelle Perugini | Co-Founder & CEO at Presagen
Michelle has a PhD in Medicine and was a stem cell biologist for a decade. She founded her first AI business 10 years ago which was acquired by Ernst and Young in 2015. She is now co-founder and CEO of Presagen which is an AI company that specializes in creating globally scalable image-based medical diagnostics products, using its advanced AI platform. Presagen's first product is Life Whisperer that uses AI to assist clinicians to select viable embryos in IVF to improve outcomes for couples wanting to have children. Michelle is also a dedicated mentor and advisory board member for many startups, and a Committee Member on the Commonwealth Research & Development Incentives Committee.
HP: https://www.lifewhisperer.com/

Amina Sugimoto | Co-Founder & CEO, fermata inc.

Moderator: Lia Camargo | Global Business Manager, fermata inc.


Session 2
「フェムテック元年をむかえた日本市場の未来と挑戦 / 最新マーケットマップ発表会」

作家・ラブピースクラブ代表。1996年フェミニズムの視点でセックスグッズショップ「LOVE PIECE CLUB」を設立。最先端のサニタリーグッズ、プレジャートイ、フェムテックを広めている。2019年日本初のフェムテックショップ「MOONDbyLPC」を梅田大丸に出店。2019年性暴力に抗議するフラワーデモを呼びかけた。
HP: https://www.lovepiececlub.com/

HP: https://period-tokyo.com/
