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Brand Story by Bé-A

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • あらゆる女性の可能性を信じ、


  • Q.

  • ブランド立ち上げのきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • 女性のみ30名ほどで運営する会社では、いつも誰かが生理中。打ち合わせが続き、ようやく!と席を立った時に目に飛び込んでくる椅子の赤いシミ…。生理の失敗も日常でした。
    「失敗から解放されるかも!」 と期待したアメリカ製のショーツでしたが、 期待に反して簡単に「モレて」しまいました。


  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 私たちは女性の心身の健康と活躍を応援し、“使い捨て生理用品がいらない生活”を提案することにより、サステナブルなものづくりと消費が求められる現代社会への貢献をめざしています。

  • Q.

  • あなたにとって “Femtech”(フェムテック)とは?

  • A.

  • 女性の自由度を広げ、より生きやすい社会になるためのもの。ひいては、男性を含め、誰にとっても生きやすい社会づくりのきっかけになるものだと思います。現在、世界中を探してもBé-Aほど吸収力の高い生理ショーツは類を見ませんが、Femtech(フェムテック)という言葉が生まれ、今後前例のない挑戦が進むことにより、より快適な社会になることを楽しみにしています。またBé-Aがその挑戦の一部になりたいと願っています。

  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • We believe in the potential of every woman, and through the products that we passionately develop, we aim to bring about innovation and become the company that makes women the happiest in Japan (as our initial focus).

    We unconsciously worry about, feel dissatisfied with, or have given up on many things. Since founding our company, we have been digging up these things one by one and passionately turning them into products, services, and information.
    “Questioning norms and initiating innovations” - this has been an important value from the time we started our company.

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • Periods were never a “once a month” event in our company of about 30 female employees; somebody, at any time of the month, was on their period. Scenes like seeing red stains on the chair after multiple meetings happened frequently in our company.

    It was then that Takahashi encountered her first period underwear whilst living in the US.
    Despite her hope that the underwear would get rid of her period struggles, the underwear easily leaked. So, for a while, she tried many products, but could not find one that satisfied her.

    Bé-A started when Takahashi came up with an idea to make period underwear on her own.
    As she began talking with people around her, she realized that many people had issues surrounding their periods, but because there was no opportunity for discussion, it was not even recognized as a problem. We soon realized that it was not only us that sighed seeing red stains.
    We will continue to adopt customer’s voices and improve our products to make Bé-A the “best choice” people can make during their period.

  • Q.

  •  Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • We aim to contribute to modern society, which demands sustainable manufacturing and consumption, by supporting women's physical and mental health and activities, and offering a "life without disposable sanitary products”.

  • Q.

  • What does “femtech” mean to you?

  • A.

  • It’s a way to expand the freedom of women, and to create a more comfortable society. I mean, I believe that femtech is a catalyst to creating a comfortable society to live in for everyone, including men. Currently, there are no other sanitary shorts that have a high absorbency function as Bé-A, but with the emergence of the word “femtech” and through the advancement of this never-seen-before challenge, we’re looking forward to achieving a more comfortable society. We hope that Bé-A will also be a part of this challenge.

Bé-A 日本 / 2020

Minako Yamamoto

Kumi Takahashi


「Bé-A《ベア》」のブランド名は、「人生も世界も、望めば変わる」そんな想いを込めて、Girls be ambitiousから名付けています。

株式会社 Bé-A Japan

Bé-A Japan / 2020

Minako Yamamoto

Kumi Takahashi

Your life and the world will change if you wish.

The brand name “Bé-A” is derived from “Girls Be Ambitious”, with the idea that “your life and the world can change if you wish”.

株式会社 Bé-A Japan


日本 / 2020

Minako Yamamoto

Kumi Takahashi


「Bé-A《ベア》」のブランド名は、「人生も世界も、望めば変わる」そんな想いを込めて、Girls be ambitiousから名付けています。

株式会社 Bé-A Japan


Japan / 2020

Minako Yamamoto

Kumi Takahashi

Your life and the world will change if you wish.

The brand name “Bé-A” is derived from “Girls Be Ambitious”, with the idea that “your life and the world can change if you wish”.

株式会社 Bé-A Japan

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