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Brand Story by yes

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 【YESが誓う5つの約束】

  • Q.

  • 大切にしている価値観を教えてください。

  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • YESは2003年、スージー・レノックスとサラ・ブルックスの2人の女性によって創られました。国際的な薬品メーカーで働いていた経験を持つスージーとサラは、合成・科学薬品が健康へ与えるリスクを心得ていました。

  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • およそ50%から80%の更年期の女性が、エストロゲンホルモンの低下による膣の乾燥を経験しています。あまり話題に上ることはありませんが、実際は性交痛や、カンジダ膣炎を引き起こすこともあります。また、萎縮性膣炎といった、座ることにも痛みを覚えるような状態に発展する場合も頻繁に起こります。多忙、ストレス、乳癌の治療など化学物質が引き起こす閉経、子宮摘出、妊娠や授乳、抗うつ剤やピル、抗ヒスタミン剤の摂取などによっても同じような事が起こりえます。

  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.


    ・SOIL ASSOCIATIONとは、1946年に設立された歴史あるイギリスのオーガニック認証機関です。オーガニックコスメの基準は2002年に確立され、一般的なオーガニック基準よりも項目が細かく、多岐に渡り、また1つ1つの項目自体も厳しく、審査が厳しい事でも有名です。 YESの商品はSOIL ASSOCIATION認定を受けたオーガニック成分を使用しています。



    ・化粧品も口に入れる食べ物や飲み物と同様にオーガニック基準を厳しくしています。SOIL ASSOCIATIONは世界最高基準のオーガニック認証団体です。

  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • YES pledges the following five promises to our customers:

    To use naturally-derived ingredients (derived from plants that grow naturally)

    To use ingredients that are already known to be effective

    To be comfortable for the skin

    To make the packaging simple and beautiful without irritating

    To not hide the ingredients and to clearly label them

  • Q.

  • 大切にしている価値観を教えてください。

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • YES was created in 2003 by two women, Susie Lennox and Sarah Brooks. Having worked for an international pharmaceutical company, Susie and Sara knew the risks that synthetic and scientific drugs pose to one’s health.

    They wanted to create their own intimate area care brand that would not irritate skin, but would still make good results. So, in 2003 they decided to start their own company, YES, and spent three and a half years developing products that are made with natural ingredients, and are safe for women of all ages to use.

  • Q.

  • Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • About 50% to 80% of menopausal women experience vaginal dryness due to low estrogen hormone levels. Although it is not often talked about, it can actually cause painful intercourse and candida vaginitis. Also, atrophic vaginitis, a condition that makes it painful to sit down, is also a common occurrence. These conditions can be caused by busyness, stress, chemical-induced menopause such as breast cancer treatment, hysterectomy, pregnancy and breast-feeding, and taking antidepressants, pills, and antihistamines.

    What this means is that for many women, at some point in their lives, taking care of their intimate parts using lotions and soaps will always be necessary. YES is a safe product that can be used for all women’s bodies at any age, and any point in life.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief description of your products.

  • A.

  • YES is certified by the SOIL ASSOCIATION

    ・The SOIL ASSOCIATION is an organic certification organization in the United Kingdom with a long history, established in 1964. The standards of organic cosmetics were established in 2002, and are more detailed and diverse than general organic standards. YES products use organic ingredients certified by the SOIL ASSOCIATION.

    ・The SOIL ASSOCIATION focuses on the healthy growth of plants, including cultivation methods and soil health. The use of pesticides and fertilizers are prohibited, as is the cultivation of genetically modified products. Our standards, which focus on the land itself, are based on the ethics of life.

    ・Not only the ingredients, but also the fact that the product is not tested on animals, the product manufacturing and packaging are environmentally friendly, and the company’s stance to protect nature and life is also examined. Even once a company has been certified, it is reviewed once a year to ensure that it meets the certification standards.

    ・Cosmetics are subject to the same strict organic standards as the food and drinks we put in our mouths. The SOIL ASSOCIATION is an organic certification organization with international standards.

    Also, YES is made to match the pH level of your intimate areas.

    The intimate areas maintain a high acidity level, for example the pH value inside the vagina is pH3.88~pH4.50, the pH value around the vulva is around pH5.3. YES products’ pH value is pH4~4.5, which has a close environment to the vagina. That’s why using YES to care for your intimate areas is recommended.

YES イギリス / 2003

Susi Lennox (Co-Founder/Co-Owner)

Sarah Brooks (Co-Founder/Co-CEO)



The Yes Yes Company Ltd.

YES United Kingdom / 2003

Susi Lennox (Co-Founder/Co-Owner)

Sarah Brooks (Co-Founder/Co-CEO)

Achieve beauty and health with organic.

YES is a brand born in the United Kingdom that specializes in organic intimate area care. We create products that enable all women to care for their bodies with comfort, and change their world from the inside.

The Yes Yes Company Ltd.


イギリス / 2003

Susi Lennox (Co-Founder/Co-Owner)

Sarah Brooks (Co-Founder/Co-CEO)



The Yes Yes Company Ltd.


United Kingdom / 2003

Susi Lennox (Co-Founder/Co-Owner)

Sarah Brooks (Co-Founder/Co-CEO)

Achieve beauty and health with organic.

YES is a brand born in the United Kingdom that specializes in organic intimate area care. We create products that enable all women to care for their bodies with comfort, and change their world from the inside.

The Yes Yes Company Ltd.

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