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Brand Story by FabLittlebag

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 生理用品の処理を簡単で目立たず衛生的なものにし、女性をエンパワーメントすることです。

  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • 2つあります。

    1. 生理用品をトイレに流すことによって起こる汚染を防ごうと思ったからです。

    2. 生理用品を簡単で、衛生的に処理できるようにし、生理用品の捨て方に対する不安や困難を解決したかったからです。

  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 汚染とパイプの詰まりです。





  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.

  • 友人宅でのディナーパーティーで、タンポンを交換した際の体験からファブリトルバッグを開発しました。





  • Q.

  • あなたにとって “Femtech”(フェムテック)とは?

  • A.

  • フェムテックとは、大人のおもちゃから搾乳器、更年期障害のアプリまで女性のために開発された革新的なアイデアを思い起こさせます。女性は、女性の生活をよりよくするためのイノベーションを主導しています。

  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • To empower women by making sanitary products easy, discreet and hygienic to dispose of.

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • There are two reasons:

    1.I wanted to prevent pollution caused by flushing sanitary products down the toilet. In the UK, 2.5 million tampons and 1.4 million sanitary napkins are flushed down the toilet every day!

    2.I wanted to make it easier and more hygienic to throw away sanitary products and to solve the concerns and difficulties of how to dispose of sanitary products.

  • Q.

  • Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • Pollution and clogged pipes.

    When tampons, sanitary napkins and applicators are flushed down the toilet, they can drift down rivers and eventually end up in the ocean or on beaches.

    Sanitary waste is said to be the fifth most common plastic product found in the ocean. This can be solved by educating the people who are flushing it down the toilet to understand that they are causing the problem, and teaching them how to throw it away properly. FabLittleBag can help with that!

    I acknowledge that people often feel stressed when throwing away used tampons and sanitary napkins. Like when there is not enough toilet paper to wrap them, when there is no sanitary box, or when we feel uncomfortable or embarrassed throwing them away in the sanitary box…FabLittleBag is a great way to easily and hygienically dispose of tampons and sanitary napkins (or even condoms!), solving the concerns many of us have. It empowers women wherever they are, when they need to change their sanitary products.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief description of your products.

  • A.

  • I created the FabLittleBag bag based on an experience I had at a dinner party at a friend's house when I had to change my tampon.

    I went to the bathroom at the party and tried to use a lot of toilet paper to wrap up the tampon and throw it away, but there was no sanitary box there! So I ended up hiding it secretly in the sleeve of my clothes and putting it away in my handbag behind the chair, which I had to throw away later. I was so worried about whether anyone had seen me and I was just too concerned about what was happening inside my bag with my tampon that I couldn’t enjoy the night at all.

    After this experience, I decided to find a solution that would solve this problem. And the more I researched, the more I learned about the environmental damage caused by flushing sanitary products down the toilet. FabLittleBag solves both of these problems.

    We focus on sustainability, low-carbon and a recycling-oriented society. The new FabLittleBag is made of sustainable raw materials, and the packaging is recyclable. The inside of the bag is made from cornstarch, recycled material (LDPE), and sustainable plants (sugarcane waste) that traps a small amount of renewable carbon.

  • Q.

  • What does “femtech” mean to you?

  • A.

  • Femtech makes me think of innovative ideas developed for women, from adult toys to breast pumps to apps for menopause. I feel that women are leading the way in innovation to make women's lives better.

FabLittlebag イギリス / 2014

Martha Silcott



FabLittlebag United Kingdom / 2014

Martha Silcott

Changing the way we throw away sanitary products - The fun of fabbing has officially started!

The method of throwing away used sanitary products was a social problem in the UK. Flushing used tampons down the toilet causes them to clog the sewage pipes, and when they end up in the ocean, they have a serious impact on ocean pollution. FabLittleBag provides a practical, hygienic, and environmentally friendly sanitary product disposer.


イギリス / 2014

Martha Silcott




United Kingdom / 2014

Martha Silcott

Changing the way we throw away sanitary products - The fun of fabbing has officially started!

The method of throwing away used sanitary products was a social problem in the UK. Flushing used tampons down the toilet causes them to clog the sewage pipes, and when they end up in the ocean, they have a serious impact on ocean pollution. FabLittleBag provides a practical, hygienic, and environmentally friendly sanitary product disposer.

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