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Brand Story by Lilu

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • Lilu は、毎日をちょっとだけラクにする、新しくてワクワクするような衣類やアクセサリーを開発しています。その結果、産後の不快感を和らげ、データに基づいた知見によって、ママが第一歩をよりよく過ごせるようになることを目指しています。

  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • マサチューセッツ工科大学とペンシルベニア大学の2人のエンジニア、Adriana と Sujay が立ち上げました。2人は、新米ママが、特に搾乳に関して、テクノロジーから見放されていると認識していました。



  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 現代を生きるママ達が、ワークライフバランスを実現するだけでなく、イキイキとした生活を送れるようにすること。それが、Liluが親としての道のりを歩み始めた人をエンパワーメントする製品を作る理由です。


  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.

  • ブラの中に入れるクッションが、さく乳時に自動で乳房をやさしく圧迫し、母乳の出を促す世界初のさく乳サポートブラです。開発にあたって、授乳の専門家が推奨する手の動きを研究しました。お持ちのさく乳器を固定できるので、ハンズフリーでさく乳することができます。

  • Q.

  • あなたにとって “Femtech”(フェムテック)とは?

  • A.

  • 女性のためにテクノロジーを設計し、その設計と構築のプロセスに最初から最後まで女性を参加させることだと考えています。




  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • Lilu’s vision is to bring smart garments and accessories designed to relieve postpartum pain, offer data-driven insights and more broadly enhance the journey of early motherhood by developing new exciting products that will help moms achieve all their goals while making their day just a little bit easier. Our first step is making pumping easier!

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • Lilu was founded by two MIT & Penn engineers who recognized that new moms have been vastly ignored by technology, especially when it comes to breast pumping. Driven by their love for technology and healthcare, and after seeing, friends, colleagues and professors struggle with breast pumping, Adriana and Sujay who met as lab-mates at Penn, realized that women’s and maternal health was lacking innovation. So they decided to build a product that makes breast pumping more efficient to help more moms reach their breastfeeding goals, and Lilu was born - their goal has evolved to harnessing the power of technology to improve healthcare for moms.

  • Q.

  • Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • Being a modern mom is about more than achieving work-life balance. It’s about thriving. That’s why Lilu creates products that empower moms during their transition to new parenthood. We are trying to make areas in maternity a bit easier and more pain-free - because moms put up with a lot of physical pain and discomfort - but they shouldn’t need to. Because moms deserve more.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief description of your products.

  • A.

  • The first hands-free pumping bra with automated breast massage.
    Lilu mimics motions recommended by lactation experts to help you express more milk in less time, so you can spend more time with your baby and most importantly, you.

  • Q.

  • What does “femtech” mean to you?

  • A.

  • Femtech for me means designing technology for women and involving women in that design and building process from inception to end - in some ways it’s a controversial term because we don’t have terms like “men-tech” (although perhaps we should and we’d realize that a lot of “status-quo” tech is designed for men). Yet I think it helps to name something, because once you can name it you can grasp and tackle it - and if that’s what we need, to bring attention to this space, then I embrace it fully. And what we do know is that innovation for women’s health is extremely needed, and that our entire humanity needs it.

Lilu USA / 2016

Adriana C Vazquez (Founder / CEO)


Lilu USA / 2016

Adriana C Vazquez (Founder / CEO)

Established in 2016, Lilu develops new exciting products that will help moms achieve all their goals while making their day just a little bit easier.
Their first launch is a bra with cushions that mimic hands-on motions recommended by lactation experts.


USA / 2016

Adriana C Vazquez (Founder / CEO)



USA / 2016

Adriana C Vazquez (Founder / CEO)

Established in 2016, Lilu develops new exciting products that will help moms achieve all their goals while making their day just a little bit easier.
Their first launch is a bra with cushions that mimic hands-on motions recommended by lactation experts.

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