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Brand Story by CHEREMI MAKA

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • すべての人がセクシュアル&リプロダクティブ ヘルス&ライツ (SRHR) を享受することを目指しています






  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • 性にまつわる問題は、アジアの多くの国、特に女性にとっては未だタブー視されています。

    EVE は 10代の若者たちが避妊具へアクセスしやすいようにコンドームをつくり、届けることから始まりました。

    そして、2022年『CHEREMI MAKA (チェレミ マカ)』というブランドに生まれ変わりました。

    EVE が「若者たちの性に関する自己決定権をもつことと健康のためのブランド」だったとすれば、CHEREMI MAKA は、韓国の方言で「すべて そのまま」という意味のように、「すべての人がありのままで、条件や制約なく、性に関する健康を追求できる持続可能な世の中のため」に誕生したブランドです。

  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 私たちのミッションとビジョンに従い、性と生殖に関する健康と権利に関する課題を解決し、すべての人にその権利をもたらすこを目標としています。

  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.

  • オーガニック原料を主成分とした潤滑剤、20mlまで吸水可能なオーガニックコットンの吸水ショーツ、医療用シリコン製の月経カップ(FDA登録、KMFDS認証済)などを販売しています。


  • Q.

  • あなたにとって “Femtech”(フェムテック)とは?

  • A.

  • 世界の半分である女性の幸せは、すべての人の幸せにつながると感じています。

  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • We are committed to promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR*) for everyone. SRHR includes various aspects of life such as sexual health, sexual rights, reproductive health and reproductive rights. Our goal is to ensure that individuals experience physical, psychological and emotional well-being in relation to sexuality, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.

    We believe in empowering individuals to make informed decisions by providing them with essential information, and it is upheld through our three core values: "HEALTHY," "INCLUSIVE," and "REFINED."

    HEALTHY: We offer solutions that enable individuals to make responsible choices for their own health and the well-being of their partners.

    INCLUSIVE: Our products are designed to promote a joyful and self-affirming lifestyle, while respecting and including individuals from all backgrounds without marginalisation or exploitation.

    REFINED: We strive to deliver contemporary and specialised knowledge that meets the sophisticated needs of our customers.

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • In many Asian countries, particularly for women, discussions surrounding sexuality remain taboo. Recognising this issue, we took a step forward in 2015 by introducing a sexual health care brand called EVE.

    Our mission was to challenge societal perceptions of sexuality, guided by our core values of "Health," "Nature," and "Equality." Initially, EVE focused on providing condoms to teenagers, aimed to improve their access to contraceptives.

    In 2022, we rebranded ourselves as CHEREMI MAKA.

    If EVE symbolised "a brand dedicated to the rights of young people to determine their own health," CHEREMI MAKA was created with a vision of "a sustainable world where individuals can pursue sexual health freely, without any conditions or limitations."

    The name derives from the Korean dialect, meaning "everything as it is." This rebranding represents our commitment to fostering a sustainable world where everyone has the opportunity to embrace their sexual health without any constraints or restrictions.

  • Q.

  • What is the issue that you are trying to solve?

  • A.

  • Aligned with our mission and vision, our objective is to address challenges pertaining to sexual and reproductive health and rights, striving to ensure the accessibility and realisation of these rights for everyone.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief explanation about your products.

  • A.

  • Our product range includes a variety of items designed to enhance sexual and reproductive health.

    We offer organic lubricants crafted primarily from natural ingredients, ensuring a gentle and pleasurable experience. Additionally, our collection includes absorbent panties made from organic cotton, capable of absorbing up to 20 ml of liquid, providing comfort and convenience during menstruation. We also offer medical-grade silicone menstrual cups that are both FDA registered and KMFDS certified, guaranteeing their safety and reliability.

    These products are specifically tailored for individuals who prioritise self-care and the well-being of themselves and to their partners. They are ideal for those seeking a sustainable lifestyle and are dedicated to promoting personal happiness and the freedom to love oneself or someone else without any concerns.

    We are committed to providing high-quality solutions that cater to the needs of individuals who value their health, seek sustainable alternatives, and advocate for the right to love without worry.

  • Q.

  • What does “femtech” mean to you?

  • A.

  • We believe that the well-being and happiness of women, who comprise half of the world's population, contribute to the overall happiness of society.

    In our perspective, FemTech serves as both a path and a guiding principle to not only achieve women's happiness, but to promote happiness for all.


Min Hyun Sung (CEO)


「HEALTHY」「INCLUSIVE」「REFINED」をキーバリューとし、すべての人がセクシュアル&リプロダクティブ ヘルス&ライツ (SRHR) を享受することを目指すヘルスケアブランド。


Instinctus Co.


Min Hyun Sung (CEO)

A natural brand that proposes a sustainable lifestyle.

With the key values of "HEALTHY," "INCLUSIVE," and "REFINED," this healthcare brand aims for all people to enjoy sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

The brand is leading the industry in various forms, including Korea's first menstrual cups, finger condoms, and absorbent panties approved by the KFDA (Korea Food and Drug Administration), and product development at Olive Young.

Instinctus Co.


KOREA / 2022

Min Hyun Sung (CEO)


「HEALTHY」「INCLUSIVE」「REFINED」をキーバリューとし、すべての人がセクシュアル&リプロダクティブ ヘルス&ライツ (SRHR) を享受することを目指すヘルスケアブランド。


Instinctus Co.


KOREA / 2022

Min Hyun Sung (CEO)

A natural brand that proposes a sustainable lifestyle.

With the key values of "HEALTHY," "INCLUSIVE," and "REFINED," this healthcare brand aims for all people to enjoy sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

The brand is leading the industry in various forms, including Korea's first menstrual cups, finger condoms, and absorbent panties approved by the KFDA (Korea Food and Drug Administration), and product development at Olive Young.

Instinctus Co.

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