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Brand Story by Welpa

  • Q.

  • fermata store in Welpa とは?

  • A.

  • 2021年11月にオープンした、関西で初めての fermata の常設店舗です。心斎橋パルコ内の医療モール「Welpa(ウェルパ)」内にあります。


  • Q.

  • どんなアイテムが置いてありますか?

  • A.

  • 店内には、fermata store(オンラインストア)や東京都港区の実店舗「New Stand Tokyo」での定番商品に加え、関西・大阪エリアに基盤をおくブランドのアイテムもご用意しています。



    【Girls Leap(ガールズリープ)】
    「パターンも生地選定も縫製仕様もすべて今まで自分が培ってきた技術を活用しています。」(Girls Leap 宮口真由美さん)

    【M and more(エムアンドモア)クールケアウォッシュ】
    1年半もの歳月をかけ、「におい」「むれ」「かゆみ」がなぜ起こりやすいのかを追求して誕生した、汚れを洗い流すだけではない +α のケアができるデリケートゾーンアイテム。
    「世代を超えて1人でも多くのお客様にM and moreクールケアウォッシュが選択肢のひとつになれますように。」(M and more 松井恵梨菜さん)

    【Mellow.(メロウドット)Intimate Wash】
    「手に取ると幸せな気分になるアイテムを提案し、個々のジェンダーへよりそう心地よい居場所のような存在を目指しています。」(Mellow. 阪本雅恵さん)

  • Q.

  • Welpa とは?

  • A.

  • Welpa は「ウェルネスの公園」をテーマに、心や身体の悩みに寄り添うクリニックやカフェ、コスメッショップなどの集まる医療モールです。

    「MyRealBody®」をご体験いただくと、fermata storeでご利用いただける特典も。


  • Q.

  • What is the fermata store in Welpa?

  • A.

  • “Welpa”, a medical shopping mall in Shinsaibashi PARCO, is where fermata’s first store in the Kansai area is located. The fermata store in Welpa opened on November 19th, 2021. . 

    The store offers products from the fermata online store and New Stand Tokyo in Roppongi, as well as products from brands based in the Kansai and Osaka areas. 

    Not only does the fermata store in Welpa allow people to actually touch femtech products, the lounge area in Welpa offers space for customers and staff to talk about issues surrounding their health.

  • Q.

  • What kind of items do you have?

  • A.

  • In addition to the menstrual cups and 15 types of period panties from six brands that are popular at fermata store, fermata store in Welpa also offer items from brands based in the Kansai area.

    Welpa exclusive items:

    ●Girls Leap

    Period panties for teenagers. Feeling a sense of discomfort in teaching one’s own daughter to sneakily carry a bag with sanitary napkins, Miyaguchi began to make period panties using her experience as a buyer and managing an apparel planning company.

    “I've used all the techniques I've cultivated during my career, including patterns, fabric selection, and sewing designs." (Mayumi Miyaguchi, Girls Leap)

    ●M and more Cool Care Wash

    After a year and a half of research to find out why odor, stuffiness, and itchiness frequently occur in intimate areas, M and more Cool Care Wash was developed to provide multiple care for your intimate areas. 

    “We hope that M and more Cool Care Wash will become an option for many people, regardless of age.” (Erina Matsui, M and more)

    ●Mellow. Intimate Wash

    A genderless "skin care" soap for your intimate areas that can be used together with your partner.

    “We offer items that make you happy when you pick them up, and we aim to become a comfort brand for people of all genders. (Masae Sakamoto, Mellow.)

  • Q.

  • What is Welpa?

  • A.

  • Welpa (named after the concept of being a “Wellness Park”) is a medical shopping mall that offers clinics, cafés and cosmetic stores to help sustain your well-being.

    Welpa aims to make medical shopping malls not only a place to go when you are sick, but also as a place for self-care to make your daily life more comfortable. 

    Please feel free to stop by as if you were taking a walk in the park.

fermata store in Welpa

大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-8-3 心斎橋PARCO 10F


fermata store in Welpa

Shinsaibashi PARCO 10F, 1-8-3 Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo-ku, Osaka

OPEN 10:00-20:00

CLOSE Irregular holidays

fermata store in Welpa

大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-8-3 心斎橋PARCO 10F


fermata store in Welpa

Shinsaibashi PARCO 10F, 1-8-3 Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo-ku, Osaka

OPEN 10:00-20:00

CLOSE Irregular holidays