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Brand Story by Lioness

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • セクシャルな「気持ちよさ」への偏見を無くし、ひとりひとりのセクシャルウェルネスに関する知識を増やすこと。

  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください。

  • A.

  • ライオネスは私自身 (Liz) のニーズから生まれました。



    たとえ医師に相談したとしても、本当に必要な情報やサポートは簡単に得られません。そういった現状を改善する為に、Lioness は生まれました。

  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 自分自身にとって何が心地よいのか、どうやったらありのままの自分でいられるのか、理解しにくいこと。また、それを模索するツールが少ないこと。

  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.

  • 私たちのスマートバイブレーター「Lioness」は、自分の身体や好きなことについてより深く理解し、受け入れることに貢献できると考えます。

    "Never measured, Never improved."(計測しなければ、向上しない) という言葉があるように、Lioness でより自分自身を理解するお手伝いができれば幸いです。

  • Q.

  • あなたにとって “Femtech”(フェムテック)とは?

  • A.

  • 難しい質問ですが、フェムテックはそもそも、ビジネス界で投資家(主に男性)が女性のニーズを見落としていたため生まれた用語です。当初は、フェムテックと聞くと妊よう性に関するビジネスを想像する人が多かったように思いますが、次第にそれ以外のカテゴリの重要性も明らかになっていきました。


  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • To destigmatize pleasure and provide individualized, data-driven resources to increase knowledge about sexual experiences.

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • Lioness started from my own needs — I had a lot of questions about sex growing up, but I grew up in the Midwest in the United States where sex simply wasn’t talked about. The curiosity was in the background of my mind as I took up different work like being a sculptor (still doing a lot of projects related to sex and pleasure) to working at an investment bank.

    Despite how important having a healthy sex life is for our own wellbeing and relationships, it can be a sensitive subject — some people may have trouble bringing up the subject with their doctor or even their partner. Even if you do bring it up with your doctor, they often have very limited, if any, resources to direct you to.

  • Q.

  • Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • How to have better sex — so we can be happier, healthier, and comfortable in our own skin.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief explanation about your product.

  • A.

  • The Lioness Vibrator is the first and only smart vibrator that improves your orgasms through biofeedback data. The vibrator uses precision sensors and biofeedback to let you literally see your arousal and orgasm. Experiment, understand yourself, and have better orgasms—after all, as the saying goes, "never measured, never improved.”

    People have used the Lioness Vibrator and app like a sex diary to try new things, track how their health affects their pleasure, and experiment with how different substances (like alcohol) can change their experience.

    Even seeing it as ‘just a chart’ can make a subject that once may have seemed nebulous more tangible and approachable.

  • Q.

  • What does "femtech" mean to you?

  • A.

  • It's a difficult question. Femtech became a term because in the business world, investors (who are mostly male) overlook the needs of women. The term has evolved to mainly mean businesses in fertility and pregnancy... but while pregnancy and motherhood are significant changes in life, they are a few years of life that not all women experience. And the role of men during this time period is often overlooked, too.

    There's *SO* much more that women experience that have far reaching effects on our lives. Anything relating to menopause, PCOS, gender transition, endometriosis, STI prevention/treatment, and yes, also pleasure, were off the table (literally, in our case with Samsung). I hope someday all of these aspects of our lives are acknowledged and valued for what they are — and that perhaps, we can move beyond the term "femtech," whatever that may be.

Lioness アメリカ / 2014

Anna Lee(Co-founder, VP of Engineering)

Liz Klinger(Co-founder, CEO)


Lioness は気持ち良さに対する偏見をなくし、ひとりひとりが

SmartBod Incorporated

Lioness USA / 2014

Anna Lee (Co-founder, VP of Engineering)

Liz Klinger (Co-founder, CEO)

Lioness aims for everyone to become happier, healthier, and comfortable in our own skin.

Experiment, understand yourself, and have better orgasms—after all, as the saying goes, "never measured, never improved.”

SmartBod Incorporated


アメリカ / 2014

Anna Lee(Co-founder, VP of Engineering)

Liz Klinger(Co-founder, CEO)


Lioness は気持ち良さに対する偏見をなくし、ひとりひとりが

SmartBod Incorporated


USA / 2014

Anna Lee (Co-founder, VP of Engineering)

Liz Klinger (Co-founder, CEO)

Lioness aims for everyone to become happier, healthier, and comfortable in our own skin.

Experiment, understand yourself, and have better orgasms—after all, as the saying goes, "never measured, never improved.”

SmartBod Incorporated

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