Hero my period panty!
fermata storeなら、
Meet the period panty of your dreams!
It is great to see that there are more and more options for period panties.
However, there is also a new challenge: not knowing what to choose.
We will recommend the best period panties
- first, tell us what factors are important to you.
※The best period panties for you will be shown after you answer the questionnaire.
01 あなたにとって大事ポイントは
- オシャレを楽しみたい
- お腹すっぽり
- スポーティー
- オーガニック素材
- 4,500円以下
- 自分のカラダの
02 吸収量は
※吸収量 30ml以上の商品を「かなり多め」と表現しています。
- 普通〜多め
- かなり多め
03 好きなカラーバリエーションは
- ブラック
- その他のカラー
01 I want my period panty to be...
- fashionable
- able to cover
my stomach - sporty
- made from organic materials
- under 4,500 Yen
- able to show the
changes in my body
The amount of absorption
I’m looking for is...
※Products with an absorbency of 30 ml or more
are described as "very heavy”.
According to data from the Society for
Promotion of Basal Body Temperature Measurement,
the normal amount of menstrual blood is 20-140 ml
for an entire menstrual period (*not a single day).
- normal~heavy
- very heavy
03 I want my panties to be...
- black
- other colors
ごめんなさい。まだfermata storeでは当てはまる商品の取り扱いがありません。

ムーンパンツ デイタイム (ヌード) / MOON PANTS

ムーンパンツ デイタイム (レース) / MOON PANTS

ベア シグネチャーショーツ 03 (ブラック) / Bé-A

ベア シグネチャーショーツ 03 (ベージュ) / Bé-A

ベア エアライトショーツ (ブラック) / Bé-A

ベア エアライトショーツ (コーラル) / Bé-A

Sport 0+ / Period.
「何も身につけていないかのようなゼロ感覚」から名付けられた Sport 0。 初代 Sport タイプをベースにお尻に優しくフィット。締め付け感を軽減にこだわって作られています。最大約30ml吸水可能。

Sport 0 Mood / Period.
「何も身につけていないかのようなゼロ感覚」から名付けられた Sport 0。 初代 Sport タイプをベースにお尻に優しくフィット。締め付け感を軽減にこだわって作られています。最大約20ml吸水可能。

High Waist+ / Period.
おへそまで隠れるデザインの High Waist。 お腹がすっぽりと隠れる安心感と同時に少し透け感のある素材でシックさを追求したデザインです。最大約40ml吸水可能。

Boxer+ / Period.
様々なシーンで使い勝手の良い Boxer。 ふんわりと柔らかいストレッチ素材でお尻をすっぽりと覆い安心感のあるデザインです。部屋着としてこのままで過ごすことも可能に。最大約40ml吸水可能。

Lace Back Bikini / Proof
バックスタイルに使用したレースが華やかなデザイン。クロッチのふち部分は独自の LEAK-LOC™ テクノロジーで縫い目からのもれを防止。 約30ml吸水可能。

Mesh Hipster (フルカバー) / proof
ショーツ前面からお尻の後ろまでが吸水素材で、しっかりカバーしてくれるタイプです。 サイドがメッシュ素材の切り替えになったデザイン。約40mlまで吸水可能。

The Lace Cheeky (サイドレース) / proof
ローライズ&サイドがレースになったキュートなデザインで、いつものランジェリーと同じように履いていただけます。 クロッチのふち部分は独自の LEAK-LOC™ テクノロジーで縫い目からのもれを防止。 約30ml吸水可能。

The Thong (サンド) / proof
ラインを気にせずお使いいただけるソングタイプの吸水ショーツ。 通気性が良くソフトなマイクロファイバー生地を採用したローライズシルエットで、アウターにひびきにくいサンドカラー。 パンティライナーの代わりにも。

The Thong ソングタイプ (ブラック) / proof
ラインを気にせずお使いいただけるソングタイプの吸水ショーツ。 通気性が良くソフトなマイクロファイバー生地を採用したローライズシルエットで、使いやすいブラックカラー。 パンティライナーの代わりにも。

Hipster (レンガ/ブルー/ジンジャースパイス) / Aisle
股上が少し浅めのデザインで、身頃は肌触りの良いオーガニックコットン素材。 取り外し可能なブースターで、吸水量を 10ml/20ml にカスタマイズ可能です。

Brief (レンガ/ブルー/ジンジャースパイス) / Aisle
セミハイウエストのデザインで、身頃は肌触りの良いオーガニックコットン素材。 取り外し可能なブースターで、吸水量を 10ml/20ml にカスタマイズ可能です。

オーガニックコットン吸水型ショーツフル(ネモフィラ)/ Hogara

オーガニックコットン吸水型ショーツフル(スターチス)/ Hogara

オーガニック生理ショーツ (ナチュラル) / EVE
肌に触れる部分もオーガニックコットンで作られた吸水ショーツ。 ナチュラルカラーは吸水面も同じ色で、経血の量や色をきちんと確認できます。「自分の生理や身体と向き合ってみよう」というEVEからのメッセージが込められています。生理周期をしっかり管理したい人にもぴったりです。

オーガニック生理ショーツ (黒) / EVE
肌に触れる部分もオーガニックコットンで作られた吸水ショーツ。 生理が始まりそうな日や、生理中に「履くだけ」の吸水ショーツ。ハイウエストかつお尻を包み込むデザインになっていて、寝返りを打ったり長時間座っていたりする時にも漏れにくいのが特徴です。おうちでリラックスして過ごす生理日にぴったり。
The perfect period panty for you is...
Sorry, it seems like the period panty of your wish isn't available yet at fermata store.

MOON PANTS Daytime (Milky Pink) / MOON PANTS
Milky-pink colored sanitary panties that won’t show up in light-colored bottoms. The absorbent area is designed with black to prevent stains from becoming apparent. Smooth like swimwear.

MOON PANTS Daytime (Black Lace) / MOON PANTS
Inlaid with lace, this period panty is perfect for those who want to enjoy fashion even when on their periods! Smooth like swimwear.

Bé-A Signature Shorts 03 (Black) / Bé-A
Slimmer & Safer. With great absorbency and unique design, the Bé-A Signature Shorts 03 helps you spend a comfortable sanitary life. Easy to wash and care, the panties can be used for a long time and are eco-friendly.

Bé-A Signature Shorts 03 (Beige) / Bé-A
Slimmer & Safer. With great absorbency and unique design, the Bé-A Signature Shorts 03 helps you spend a comfortable sanitary life. Easy to wash and care, the panties can be used for a long time and are eco-friendly.

Bé-A Air Lite Shorts (Black)
Air Lite Shorts come in a slimmer and lighter design than “Bé-A Signature Shorts”, with 3D cutting techniques for a sleek hipline and secure fit. The seven thin absorbent layers absorb approximately 60ml of liquid. Deodorizing, anti-bacterial, and bacteria reducing materials are used to reduce unwanted odors.

Bé-A Air Lite Shorts (Coral)
Air Lite Shorts come in a slimmer and lighter design than “Bé-A Signature Shorts”, with 3D cutting techniques for a sleek hipline and secure fit. The seven thin absorbent layers absorb approximately 60ml of liquid. Deodorizing, anti-bacterial, and bacteria reducing materials are used to reduce unwanted odors.

Sport 0+ / Period.
‘Zero sensation panties’ as if you were wearing nothing at all, made to reduce the feeling of tightness. Absorbs up to about 30ml of water.

Sport 0 Mood / Period.
‘Zero sensation panties’ as if you were wearing nothing at all, made to reduce the feeling of tightness. Absorbs up to about 20ml of water.

High Waist+ / Period.
The stylish translucent material covers up to the navel, giving you support and comfort. Absorbs up to about 40ml of liquid.

Boxer+ / Period.
Made of material that is soft and stretchy; they’re so comfortable, you’ll want to wear them everyday! Absorbs up to about 40ml of liquid.

Lace Back Bikini / Proof
A low-rise silhouette panty with lace detailing and powerful leak protection up to 30ml. The edge part of the gusset features US patented LEAK-LOC™ technology that helps prevent leakage from the seams.

Mesh Hipster / proof
Infused with breathable mesh accents, Mesh Hipster absorbs up to approximately 40ml. The edge part of the gusset features US patented LEAK-LOC™ technology that helps prevent leakage from the seams.

The Lace Cheeky / proof
The lovely low-rise cut & side lace design are just like your ordinary lingerie - but these can absorb up to about 30ml of liquid. The edge part of the gusset features patented LEAK-LOC™ technology that prevents leakage from the seams.

The Thong (Sand) / proof
Thong type sanitary panties that you can wear without worrying about your panty lines. A low-rise silhouette with a breathable and soft microfiber fabric.

The Thong (Black) / proof
Thong type sanitary panties that you can wear without worrying about your panty lines. A low-rise silhouette with a breathable and soft microfiber fabric.

Hipster (Rust・Blue・Ginger Spice) / Aisle
Reusable period underwear with a medium rise design, made of organic cotton! The underwear comes with a booster to increase absorbency - absorbs up to 10ml of liquid on its own, and 20ml with the booster attached.

Brief (Rust・Blue・Ginger Spice) / Aisle
Reusable period underwear with a semi-high waist design, made of organic cotton! The underwear comes with a booster to increase absorbency - absorbs up to 10ml of liquid on its own, and 20ml with the booster attached.

Organic Cotton Period Panty (Nemophila・Statice) / Hogara
Hogara's Full underwear provides coverage all the way to the back, and absorbs up to approx 35-45ml of liquid. Made of organic cotton that feels smooth on your skin.

Organic Cotton Period Panty (Nemophila・Statice) / Hogara
Hogara's Full underwear provides coverage all the way to the back, and absorbs up to approx 35-45ml of liquid. Made of organic cotton that feels smooth on your skin.

Organic Period Panty (Natural) / EVE
The most popular period underwear from the fermata store! Eve’s organic period panty has a high-waist design that comfortably supports the lower belly during menstruation. Perfect to wear on days you want to relax at home during your period.

Organic Period Panty (Black) / EVE
The most popular period underwear from the fermata store! Eve’s organic period panty has a high-waist design that comfortably supports the lower belly during menstruation. Perfect to wear on days you want to relax at home during your period.

EVE (韓国)

Bé-A (日本)
「Bé-A《ベア》」のブランド名は、「人生も世界も、望めば変わる」そんな想いを込めて、Girls be ambitiousから名付けています。

Moon Pants (台湾)

Period. (日本)

Modibodi (オーストラリア)
ファウンダーの Kristy が産後の尿もれに悩んでいたことから立ち上がったオーストラリアの吸水ショーツブランド。豊富な形とデザインで、すべての人のすべてのライフステージに寄り添うサステナブルな吸水ショーツを提供しています。

Aisle (カナダ)

Hogara (日本)

EVE (Korea)
Creating a sustainable lifestyle.
Our brand EVE is a sexual healthcare brand that aims to change how people perceive sex based on our core values of 'health', 'nature', and 'equality'. All the products are cruelty free and made with natural ingredients.

Bé-A (Japan)
Your life and the world will change if you wish.
The brand name “Bé-A” is derived from “Girls Be Ambitious”, with the idea that “your life and the world can change if you wish”. We believe in the potential of all women and aim to be the company that makes women the happiest in Japan, with innovation through our products.

Moon Pants (Taiwan)
A society where women can live more freely.
A brand launched in 2018 by women in Taiwan to create an ideal sanitary item. Sells water absorbent sanitary shorts. Mainly sold in Asia, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan.

Period. (Japan)
Delivering to all those who need it.
Period. was founded in 2018 as Japan’s first absorbent underwear brand. We plan and sell simple and functional sanitary underwear with the motto of “delivering to all those who need it”.

Modibodi (Australia)
Period and leakproof underwear from Australia, founded by Kristy when she was struggling with postpartum bladder leakage. With a variety of shapes and designs, Modibodi offers sustainable underwear that can be worn by anyone at any stage of their life.

Aisle (Canada)
A brighter future for people and the planet.
The products feature sustainable materials, high performance textiles and the wisdom of over 25 years of business.

Hogara (Japan)
A brand created by female employees of a textile trading company.
With a concept to ‘actualize our current needs’, Hogara plans and develops products that face the real needs of women. The brand is named Hogara so that everyone can shine bright and be blithesome everyday.